Wednesday, July 27, 2011

a love stronger than death...

Everyone that is close to me knows, I love my grandpaw. He was the most awesome man, caring, loving, brilliant, funny, and just an all around great man, but most of all an amazing popaw!
My grandpaw was diagnosed with Lung cancer a few short months ago and although the treatments were very successful, his body just couldn't take all the rounds of medicine, chemo, and radiation they attempted to throw at him. He beat the Lung Cancer, but ended up losing the fight when his body just got tired. He passed away a few months ago and it has been incredibly hard on all of us, especially my parents who spent so much time and lived with him during his sick year. But most of all, it's been a rough time for my sweet Momaw.
I just happen to be spending the night with my parents and my Momaw tonight, when I walk into her room to find her in bed and laying beside her is a framed 11x14 photo of my amazing popaw. It hit me hard to see that image. How strong must their bond be for her to still, after months, feel comfort just by having his picture laying beside her. I condsider myself still a "young married" couple. Wes and I have been married for 5 years and I really don't know what I would do without him by my side every night. I love the feeling of safety and comfort that I get with him besdie me. Then I think, my Momaw has had that same feeling for over 60 years and now it's been taken away from her. I just can't imagine. It just pulled so hard at my heart to see her with his picture as she layed there drifting off to sleep. How many countless days over the past 60plus years has she layed there holding his hand as she drifted off to sleep, or waking up to him next to her. I can't imagine the lost feeling she has of being alone. It's true that love can outlast life. I saw in that one little picture that there was a bond in them and a love that is way stronger than death. Death may be the thing that parts them for now, but it will not be the thing that seperates their love. In that one glance into her room, and in turn into her heart, I saw that Love is much stronger than Death. I hope that I can also have that love in my life, to last from now until death and beyond. Love is Love, and if you Love with all your heart, I truly feel that kind of love will last forever.

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