Monday, November 9, 2009

The Last Hour

My life is hectic-- yes hectic is the way to describe it. I love every minute of it, but it's hard. I do pretty good on most days, some days are worse than others. But today was a bad day. I don't know if it was me being tired & itrable, or the kids being that way. But it was a Monday in every since of the word.

The day passes by and hours tick like normal... until that last hour. The last hour when all hell breaks loose, or so it feels. It's the time when the day begins to wind down, it seems everyone is tired, and it's still an hour till our Daddy gets home. That last hour seems to last for a few hours some days. It's hectic as is. Baby #1 is up from nap with Loads of energy to burn off, and baby #2 seems to always need to eat, change, hold, or something. That last hour, that you knwo help is on the way but it's not comming fast enough. I feel like I look at the clock for every minute that ticks down. The Last hour is the hardest hour of the day, but thankgoodness it's the last.

I wouldn't give anything for my life, the goods and bads. I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom, at least for now. We'll see where life takes me and my family, but for now, we're happy, or at least i think we are!

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